The Lawyer Monthly Expert Witness Awards 2021

LAWYER MONTHLY EXPERT WITNESS AWARDS 2021 - 53 - FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY Contact Professor Keith Rix c/o Mrs D Small, S&D Medical, Regus Office, 1200 Century Way, Leeds , LS15 8ZA E: Professor Keith Rix BMedBiol, MPhil, LLM, MD, CBiol, MRSB, FRCPsych, Hon FFFLM About Professor Keith Rix My wide range of clinical experience has enabled me to provide expert evidence for over 35 years in personal injury litigation, including clinical negligence cases, the criminal jurisdiction, coroners’ courts and capacity, professional regulatory and employment cases. I have provided evidence in capital cases in the Caribbean and Africa. In semi-retirement I am Visiting Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Chester and Honorary Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist in the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. My main interests are the education and training of expert witnesses. I am a member of the Membership Committee of the Expert Witness Institute. I am the Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Lead of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Expert Witness Lead for both the Faculty and the College. I have again been involved in organising The Grange Annual Conference for psychiatrists engaged in medicolegal work (https://www. uploads/2021/04/Programme-as-at-22April21- Website-.pdf). This year’s judicial lecture will be given by The Hon Mr Justice Nigel Poole QC. This year has seen publication of papers on ‘Fitness to be interviewed: Decision-making in the mental health inpatient setting chapter’ and ‘Bias in expert witness practice’. The focus of my academic activity this year has been Cambridge University Press’s Expert Medical Evidence series of which I am an editor in chief and of which the second edition of my Expert Psychiatric Evidence is the lead volume. My most notable cases this year have been terrorismorallegedterrorismcases includingKhairi Saddallah who was convicted of three offences of murder and three offences of attempted murder committed in Forbury Gardens, Reading, in June 2020 and Munir Elkali who was successful in his defence when charged with terrorism offences that came about after becoming psychotic during lockdown. “Your evidence certainly helped … when it came to sentence and how the Judge distinguished between the pair” (QC in manslaughter case) “(The report) is thorough and helpful” (Solicitor in police misconduct case) “Thank you very much firstly for your response, it’s really very helpful, and secondly for the promptness of your response!” (Police officer) UNITED KINGDOM

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