Chris Gahagan Associate Director David Cook Director Chris Gahagan LLB FCA is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) and an Associate Member of the Academy of Experts, having had extensive experience in both commerce and professional practice. He has considerable experience in dealing with both civil and criminal matters. He has worked on numerous business valuations in both commercial and family situations and on several Expert Determinations. Chris has also dealt with many POCA matters and fraud cases at trial stage. He has worked on criminal matters for both the prosecution and defence. David Cook JP FCA MAE is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), accredited by them as a Forensic Accountant and a Member of the Academy of Experts, accredited by them as an Expert Witness. He has extensive experience acting as single joint expert and as expert for both claimants and defendants, giving him valuable insight into the opposing side’s case. As well as civil litigation, David frequently advises in criminal matters, both for the defence and prosecution. He has given expert evidence in Crown Court, as well as the Civil Courts on numerous occasions. 27
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